


Year: 2009
East Street Ipswich

The original RACQ heritage listed premises were to be retained, yet the site was ripe for development. UKL’s solution involved moving the heritage listed premises to a prominant street frontage, allowing for a 5 storey commercial, retail and offices. UKL obtained the DA and OPW approval.

40 Elizabeth St, Brisbane

40 Elizabeth St, Brisbane

Year: 2007
The Elizabeth Hotel

The site was acquired in 2006 for $6.5M. A DA was approved for 275 Room 4.5 star hotel in 2006. Yields quadrupled with double the number of rooms and a doubling of the size of the building. Efficiencies for hotel operations were maximised with careful planning on the 800m² site. The site and the design was sold in 2007 for $16M.